In the last years, newsletters became more and more popular. Along with Twitter and RSS, it is one of my favourite ways to keep me updated it. Here are the ones I follow:
- Software Lead Weekly – if you are a team lead, engineer manager, CTO you will like this one. Worth to mention their Slack group.
- Changelog – independently of your stack, Changelog is a rich newsletter with interviews and tool suggestions. They also have a podcast – Example
- Dense Directory – Every Tuesday a newsletter helping web workers be productive, stay inspired and think critically
- dev tips – Chrome Dev Tools gifs weekly in your email.
- JavaScript Weekly – a once–weekly email roundup of JavaScript news and articles
- React Status – another one about JavaScript but React focused – Example
- Ruby Weekly – once-weekly emails about Ruby. This one and the previous two are curated by cooperpress
- Daily Developer Tips – code snippets, tools, techniques, and interesting stuff from around the web.
- Gartner L2 Daily Insights – news and research analysis across digital marketing, site & e-commerce, mobile and social media.