Hi, I'm Leo 👋
I am Leonardo Faria, a Brazilian developer living in Vancouver. This is my blog about software development and more since 2005.
- My experience using Lighthouse in the real world javascript lighthouse
- Creating HAR files with Lighthouse javascript lighthouse
- Generating Web Vitals information with Lighthouse javascript lighthouse
- Generating screenshots with Lighthouse javascript lighthouse
- Getting asset transferred information with Lighthouse javascript lighthouse
- The undocumented Lighthouse guide javascript lighthouse
- Enfrentando a sÃndrome do impostor e problemas de gerenciamento de tempo
- How to use Git aliases to increase your productivity git
- 3 privacy-focused open-source Google Analytics alternatives for your next project hugo
- Automating accessibility tests with Cypress javascript
- Adding screenshot testing with Cypress in your project javascript
- Bento theme released hugo
- Using Flexbox and text ellipsis together css
- Creating your own ESLint config package javascript
- Using HAR files to analyze performance over time browser
- The Mentoring Framework career
- Changing node versions automatically per directory javascript
- Using Dependabot to keep your environment up to date javascript devops git
- Facing impostor syndrome and time management issues
- Moving to Hugo
- Terminal tips tweets software
- Exploring device detection for better user experiences in 2020 browser javascript
- A simple Sinatra Auth rubyonrails
- Creating a website for my Apple Collection portfolio css javascript
- Forcing the usage of yarn (and at a specific version) javascript
- Disabling autofill in Chrome browser javascript
- My list of GitHub tips and third-party apps git software
- Newsletters to subscribe
- It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work and Joy, Inc.: How We Built a Workplace People Love reviews review
- Cloudready or how to get a Chrome OS in a non-Chromebook laptop software
- Another Meetup presentation canada
- Serving raw files directly from Github git
- Todo list using a Sinatra REST API rubyonrails
- My first Meetup presentation canada
- Excluding folders from indexing in Sublime software
- Resolving slow loading of local virtualhosts on Chrome software mac
- Replace git author using shell script git
- Shell script para gravar áudio da Web software linux
- Shell script for audio recording software linux
- the ink magazine portfolio
- My Sublime Text settings mac software
- Useful apps that I use daily mac software
- A new place canada
- Data looks better naked usability
- codestacker in Github rubyonrails portfolio
- One line webservers for everybody software
- Useful Chrome extensions to developers browser
- Uptime monitoring tools
- Writing for IELTS and TOEFL portfolio iphone
- Notice about future
All posts (including the ones in Portuguese)